

由愛構成,以愛為念, 啁啾不休,熱血未絕。

Tathagata is unharmed.

Passionate writing. It's really exciting. A little boy, but he made me feel the need to record so many thoughts at once.

I said that the people I cherish have souls of the same color scheme, and I am one end of that color scheme. Although I say this, I also feel shy. I am probably the most turbid and gloomy among them, but I can still acknowledge that I belong to that beautiful circle.
I love myself, so I love people who are similar to me. I see myself in them, searching for myself, and then embracing and encouraging myself.

Yu Xi, this child, I feel that he is far purer than me.

Their purity is like a clear spring, gathering people and bringing a refreshing coolness to their hearts and souls after drinking.

I read what his friends wrote about him.
And what others who have had working relationships with him wrote about him.
They are trying to tell the world: he is doing well.
I actually cried.
Words have always been a powerful carrier of energy, like water, originally the foundation of life, and should not carry the meaning of destruction.

I remembered the Love I wrote because of Gui-san.
Love calls for love, goodness gathers goodness.
The people around him love and protect him, because he is the source of living water, and he is the first to start the cycle of love.
I remembered the descriptions of Mr. Gang's friends, full of love and respect for Mr. Gang.
I said this child is like Gui-san, just like my Mr. Gang.

I read his interview report, the words were well remembered, and the translation of his thoughts was also.
Sensitive, sincere. Towards oneself, towards the world.
We are similar, but I don't have that pure tenderness towards others.

The world and oneself constantly rub against each other, always leaving behind scars. My idol absorbs those blood and tears, yet remains as transparent and brilliant as ever.
I sincerely wish that this child also has a similar inherent resilience. Like water, both gentle and strong.
I bless him to cherish his original appearance and to hold hands with himself in a comfortable and stable manner.

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