

由愛構成,以愛為念, 啁啾不休,熱血未絕。

The so-called life in this world.

If there is no episode eight, "Yoru no Sensei" would probably be a four-star for me. However, just for this episode eight, I have to give it five stars!!!

Actually, its reasoning is consistent, although the layout is not surprising and the performance is sometimes a bit rigid, it still shows the essence of class, gender, and age differences.
As for episode eight, it was flawless for me. Not only did it perfectly convey the message it wanted to convey, but it was also deeply moving.

I originally thought this series was a refreshing piece, and Kei-san's Kamimura was indeed very cute and made me happy. Yamamoto Koji-san also left a good impression on me, so overall, I watched it with a relaxed and pleasant feeling. I never expected to end up crying so much~~~ Crying so much is tiring~゚(゚´Д`゚)゚
Because I can't face death, I also can't face elderly people who would leave a strong impression of death on me.
But this episode eight, with an unbiased attitude, portrayed the so-called dignity of life.

I was deeply moved.
Every word about the elderly in it, I was deeply moved and strongly agreed.
This is not the kind of heartbreaking story that would cause me great pain, but a person who knows how to live in the last moments of their life.
In this era where life after retirement has become a social issue, isn't it more meaningful?

What I particularly like is that unbiased attitude. Since people don't have to be a certain way just because of their biological gender, they also don't have to be a certain way just because of their age.
It reminds me of many things. When I watched "Okuribito: Departures," I felt the significance of life and death; what Hachiman said, "I belong to myself, whether it's life or death, it's my decision! Heaven can't control me, earth can't control me, no one can control me!" And also, the "Doomspell" trilogy that I really like.
Children can't do this, so adults should do that, and what should the elderly do? These things, just like all the labels in society, who decides them?

I love it so much. Although crying was hard, this episode eight was still amazing.

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