

由愛構成,以愛為念, 啁啾不休,熱血未絕。

Tathagata's True Nature

I have no knowledge of the text "Fox Spirit Matchmaker", so I will clarify first.

I only watched the character Aolai, mainly shaped by Zheming's younger brother.
I really like this character.

It is said that Aolai is like a god, but I appreciate his charm and authenticity. In interaction with the actor, all words are true - the protagonist's power does not exist, just an ordinary mortal body, hard work and perseverance lead to a stable life, this is what it means to be human.

Aolai became a legend, but his name was lost, only carrying the image of the title, his true face obscured.
The most touching scene for me was at the Tianmen Pass, where he, with wounds, softly said, "I've always been different from what people say about Aolai."
Aolai has always been human.

Before actually encountering Zheming's work, I had heard of his name. But only with the right conditions and experiences, delving deep into time and space, can one remove the layers of labels and gradually see the true face clearly.
When he plays a role, he can show a domineering side when needed to silence others; but when he removes the surface decorations and presents himself in a more natural way, he is gentle and soft.
People see Aolai as strong and proud, but in Zheming's interpretation, he is actually gentle and warm.
Just like himself.

※Rather than writing a play, this piece is more about writing a person. I want to remember that Aolai is like himself, and Zheming is true to himself.

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