

由愛構成,以愛為念, 啁啾不休,熱血未絕。

Looking for joy at work? After watching "Pleasure"

Very interesting work.

What's great about it is that it truly and naturally portrays "sex" as a job, an industry, and as something "ordinary". This is not a special story; with a change in background or time, it could be transformed into a story about office struggles of white-collar men and women, a battle of models, or even a palace intrigue - the harem, or "family" for that matter, isn't it just another kind of workplace?

This is a story about the workplace.

The original title is quite interesting. We always say that work can be self-fulfilling, that work can align with our interests, and that we can find pleasure in our work - is that true? Just like the female protagonist in the film who claims to be seeking pleasure, when we are about to enter the workplace, we are inevitably naive and optimistic, thinking about showcasing our talents, making a name for ourselves, achieving success one day, and realizing our ambitions with ease. And then we will also experience setbacks, realize that we are not special, deeply understand that our lack of professionalism causes trouble for others, reflect on our careers, and wonder where that "happiness" can truly be found. Just like the female protagonist.

The workplace is like a martial arts world, filled with bloodshed, especially when people are striving for their own interests. Going against the current means falling behind, time is always flowing like water, and people are constantly being washed away. If we are unwilling to be eliminated, we inevitably have to compete. But perhaps it is the law of conservation of quality, you can't always have both the fish and the bear's paw. When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes back at you. Just like children always say they don't want to become the kind of annoying adults, but in the end, they often grow up to be just like that. Did the female protagonist achieve what she wanted - is that so?

Can we find happiness in our work? Can the workplace be pleasant? I think it's contradictory. Work as a form of "labor" is inherently opposed to "play". "Play" cannot become "work", and when something becomes "work", it ceases to be pure happiness. And do we really have free will to choose and explore?

This is a story about work. Universally simple.
Work cannot be sought for pleasure, but we still work, and work is not abandoned because of it. "Sex" as a category of profession is the same.

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