

由愛構成,以愛為念, 啁啾不休,熱血未絕。

Abundant Puzzle Box - "Do Not Say Mystery"

I watched the first ten episodes while they were airing, but there was a long gap before I watched the last two episodes. This behavior seems inappropriate, XD.
However, in terms of this drama, I actually think it worked out quite well. It felt like watching an extra episode after the drama had finished airing for some time.
The last two episodes of this drama actually take place between approximately the third and fifth episodes, which is quite unique. It's like every aspect of this drama is unique and outstanding.
But in the end, it should still be watched in one go. Because of the uniqueness of the last two episodes, they seem to be intricately connected to the previous episodes, and the true conclusion should be in the tenth episode. The continuous transmission and recognition of information should be clearer.
In any case, this drama is truly refreshing. It has a unique style in both content and form, like an exquisite puzzle box. It dazzles with its techniques, and inside, there are puzzles arranged in a way that is hard to imagine. Each piece of the puzzle seems thin, with seemingly casual writing, but it all comes together perfectly.
I was particularly surprised by the sixth and seventh episodes. For me, as a lover of narrative tricks, it was amazing to witness how these tricks, expressed through language, could be so brilliantly visualized.
After watching the first episode, I wanted to read the original work. The adaptation into a drama was so rich, and I wanted to see the depth of the original.

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