

由愛構成,以愛為念, 啁啾不休,熱血未絕。

"The Unloving Couple"

I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered that NHK had made a drama with a theme about homosexuality. NHK is truly amazing for being able to come up with and produce such a theme. NHK has made issue-oriented dramas more than once, and in terms of conveying issues, it is always commendable. However, because these works strongly convey a message, it also makes me feel a bit uneasy. In the case of this drama, the approach it takes is a bit resistant to me. It still promotes the idea of "diverse families" and emphasizes the meaning and function of "family" and the "bonds" between people. It is certainly a way of survival. However, for me, who doesn't understand romantic love, and even further, doesn't understand why people want to start a family with someone, regardless of what kind of family it is, this drama gives me the feeling of a warm support for the LGBTQ+ community, appealing for acceptance. But I have long been skeptical of identity politics, and although I am actually good at labeling myself, I have gradually started to question whether such "classification and naming" is truly necessary. I don't understand why people want to have sex with others, why people want to be in a romantic relationship with another person. I have elements of asexuality, but I cannot fit into the category of asexuality. Every person is unique, and as "me," I have my own emotions, desires, and temperaments. No label can accurately define any individual, so when interpreting labels, some individuals are pushed outside of the box and fall outside of the "big family" that was supposed to provide "inclusiveness." We can only interpret ourselves. We can only define ourselves. Therefore, I also find it difficult to understand the feeling of being trapped in the closet. As "me," with this one body, existing in this world, it is pure bliss. If people had the "astonishing acceptance" like the ex-boyfriend of the female protagonist in the drama, then people wouldn't need to rely on labels to define themselves anymore. However, the Pure Land is still on the other side.

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