

由愛構成,以愛為念, 啁啾不休,熱血未絕。

After watching "Moonlight Variations"

This story is quite good, especially towards the second half. Although it is also a work with a strong romanticism, as I have always said, I am always willing to be sincerely moved. It even touches on some images and issues that are extremely important to me. It mentions light and faith. I would describe life as having faith and light, and this work also mentions similar things. It also talks about life and death, about forgetting, and it does so gently and beautifully, just like it talks about love.

I like the appropriate literary atmosphere in it, the natural appearance, like those bookshelves that you can even live in, like those characters who cherish books sincerely. Books and words are a part of life, just like eating and drinking.

I particularly resonate with the issue of unequal power in the workplace that it touches on, especially the inability to tolerate injustice.

However, I feel that the story still has a tendency towards "eliminating evil and benefiting the people." In this aspect, I think I am more vanilla, and I hope that everyone is treated with kindness and love.

As an additional point, Chukawa is exactly the kind of quirky child that I particularly like. (laughs)
I have always liked this kind of quirky personality, like Sneech from Doraemon. It is my favorite. (laughs)
I like Ding Yuxi's interpretation, it is quite lively, and it clearly portrays the pride and inferiority of a quirky child.

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