

由愛構成,以愛為念, 啁啾不休,熱血未絕。

The power of neighbors

Title: "The Power Next Door".

This is a story that may seem plain and even mundane. At the same time, it is romantic to the point of being almost aesthetic.
Although I feel like I can no longer face the world with pure goodwill, I think my essence is still closer to vanilla, otherwise I wouldn't always be willing to affirm these romantic calls, and even be moved by them.

The title of this drama is well placed, as it is a kind of multiple reference while also directly pointing to the core meaning.
The last episode in particular makes it clear. As a conclusion, the last episode expresses the fundamental value that this drama wants to convey in a more straightforward manner, and those words are really well said. "Please let me hear your story."
That is the true meaning of counseling. It's not about providing advice, not about making speeches, but simply listening - allowing a person to speak for themselves, allowing the answers that were already within them to surface.
Power is inherent. It just needs to be drawn out.

Life is a narrow path that can only be traveled alone. No one can veer into someone else's path, but perhaps there are parallel lines that can stand like mirrors on the side, allowing people to see their own situation and take the next step more securely.
The power next door.
This is a story that takes a serious look at the real world.

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