

由愛構成,以愛為念, 啁啾不休,熱血未絕。

"After watching 'Melancholy Shin De Rera'"

Compared to Cinderella, this work is actually more like a variation of Bluebeard. XD
Although it approaches from the perspective of family and parenting, I can't help but constantly associate it with work and the workplace. XD I always feel that they are similar. Without careful selection, inquiry, and judgment, one often ends up with disastrous consequences. XD It may appear beautiful to outsiders, but only the drinker knows the warmth and coldness. XD
And there's the system. Initially, it may seem like a story where maternal love erupts and has a chance to influence a tyrant with love and wisdom, but in most cases, reality is swallowed by the system. XD
This is truly a very cruel modern social fable. XD

Choosing Tsuchiya-san and Kei-san to act in it feels quite appropriate. I remember one of the reasons Kei-san was chosen to play Hotoda in "Minasan, Sayonara" was because he could make Hotoda look ordinary and everyday. In this work, I feel that both actors have achieved a similar effect, making them look so plain, and the impact they can create is correspondingly great.

I think it's a work that is quite suitable to watch in a movie theater. The spatial nature inadvertently complements and helps shape the sense of confinement in the work, creating an immersive effect.
Of course, seeing Kei-san kissing or rolling on the bed on the big screen always feels luxurious. XD

The most fantastic thing, however, is my ticket. XD
Finally, when the film was released in Taiwan and I was ready to go see it, I received a message from a friend saying that she won a movie ticket. In her comment during the lottery, she mentioned that her friend is a fan of Kei-san, so she felt it was necessary to give me one. XDDD
When I saw the number "240" written on the ticket, I deeply felt the favor of the heavens.
It felt like it was saying to me, "I love you, it's alright."
I'm so grateful.

![The voucher my friend won and gave to me. It says "240".](ipfs://bafybeifjhokypqqnw7ktsltaf3jo7by3pe267edtpon423zraweu6lhnka "The voucher my friend won and gave to me. It says "240".")

But I can't keep it as a ticket stub, so I have to sigh. XD

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