

由愛構成,以愛為念, 啁啾不休,熱血未絕。

The Essence of Love - After Watching "The Odyssey of Love"

This work clearly excels in form and is based on the spirit of creative experimentation, which I think is quite good.

I was attracted to its prominent form, the vertical format, and the micro-drama. I find this unique creativity very interesting. Its promotional slogan, which suggests the fun concept of watching an episode during the time it takes to wait for a subway train, also caught my attention. I ended up perfectly fitting into the target audience it had prepared. XD
The imaginative form is paramount, and the subject matter seems to incorporate various comedic elements. It appears to be an interesting work, so I started following it. (laughs)

Because of its distinctive format, I also watched a drama on my phone for the first time.
I had never watched dramas on my phone before, partly because I didn't have the habit of following them.
This time, during its daily lunchtime broadcast, I watched it while eating, very punctually.
I think this is a very well-calculated move by the production team. This format is simply made for pairing with meals. XDDD Since I'm used to eating with one hand and holding my phone with the other, usually playing games, I precisely took my seat as an audience member again. I watched the drama while eating, and finished watching just as I finished eating. How wonderful!

However, because this is a new experiment, the experimental nature of the work is still very prominent, and the attitude is cautious, just like its brevity, stopping at the surface.
I thought that the total length of the episodes would be roughly similar to that of a movie, and the storytelling would be somewhat similar to the way a movie is edited. However, it has a clear positioning. It is indeed a continuous drama consisting of individual episodes, but because of this, it slightly suffers from the backlash of an overly prominent form. The story has not yet found an elegant way to fit into this format, resulting in some slight stuttering.
It's like trying to fit objects into a delicate cabinet, filling it up in the most efficient way possible, ambitiously attempting to achieve maximum storage capacity, but unable to fit together as precisely as a completed jigsaw puzzle. If you don't cut back on the quantity, it will lead to compression.
But what it wants to convey is extremely simple, as simple as a solid object that doesn't need to be cut. Therefore, the gaps between the fragmented pieces become more prominent.

The suspense of the final round is even seen through without any doubt. XD
But I think that is the inevitable climax of this story, just like the natural flow of water finding its course.
I believe that is also the most meaningful part of this story. I think it can—or should—be interpreted as follows: What people truly desire is self-love.

Love yourself, embrace yourself, cherish yourself.
I believe this is the truth behind it.

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