

由愛構成,以愛為念, 啁啾不休,熱血未絕。

Thank you for allowing me to participate in love. "Tsuyoshi Domoto Peace Shrine Dedication Performance".

From the first sound he made, I cried.
I cried for half of the time, crying so much that I felt my tears and sobbing were disturbing.
It wasn't until halfway through that I felt like I had finally released all the tears in my chest, stopped crying, and started laughing.

Love and happiness.
That's what I always say he creates and gives.
That's happiness, right?
Love makes you cry. Because love is happiness.

I wonder, in that moment, at that scene, what kind of feelings did everyone have?
Especially the people behind the camera.
It's such a luxury to be able to simply be an audience, simply be a witness, quietly watching everything that's happening.
What do the people who assist with editing think?
How much time and effort did it take to create this fleeting hour of audio and video that we see before us?

Even though I stopped crying halfway through, I'm still overwhelmed until now.
His singing voice is too clear.
His soul is too pure.
In the world, under the stars and moon, he conveys messages through music.

For me, the most beautiful moment is still the beginning.
Just him, in the universe.
If he sings at the ruins of the Heijō Palace, I always feel like it should be like this.
Just him, ordinary, everyday, down-to-earth, with the sky above his head, his singing carried by the wind, blowing towards the treetops, blowing towards the mountaintops.

And then returning to tranquility.

Infinite merit.
Bless you with good health.
Keep us safe and at ease, with lasting connections.

Thank you.

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