

由愛構成,以愛為念, 啁啾不休,熱血未絕。

I think he is really a bodhisattva.

He is truly a bodhisattva.
Although I have said it many times.
He is truly a bodhisattva.
He must have come to the human world specifically to enlighten others.

Watching last year's live performance at Yakushi Temple, I cried almost from beginning to end.
After "Let's Get FUNKASY!!!" there was a brief pause, and then during "Sora ga Naku Kara," as I watched him singing against the backdrop of the blue sky, tears welled up again and I couldn't hold them back.

He is so beautiful.
There are no words to describe him.

He must be under the protection of the Buddha.
He is truly a bodhisattva.

Just looking at his face, tears keep flowing.
I remember there was someone whose name made me cry uncontrollably, and I wondered how deep my love was.
When my mother faced Guanyin Bodhisattva, she would cry for no reason, they say it was a response from her inner spirit.

So, dear Gang,
I truly, I truly should be saved by you.
Thank you for appearing and preaching.

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