

由愛構成,以愛為念, 啁啾不休,熱血未絕。

Oh my god.

Record of "Platonic" Volume 5. I like this drama because of it.

Oh my god.
Oh my god.
Oh my god.

It's almost as if only this sentence is enough to express, or rather summarize, the understanding, enlightenment, and agreement that I have suddenly accumulated in large quantities.

Within one episode.
Just within one episode, it's like all the cover-ups suddenly open up, revealing everything clearly.
Oh my god.

I cried so much.

I originally thought it was about extreme pure malice.
A kind of malice that everyone has, innate, and resorting to any means necessary for self-protection.
It's the same in "No Longer Human." You could say that everyone is evil, but at the same time, everyone is also ordinary and mundane.
Everyone is like a good person who lives their life in an orderly manner, but everyone also unintentionally emits varying degrees of malice, and this malice is extremely pure, not because they want to do evil, but naturally and without any sense of guilt.
Everyone wants to maintain beauty and will act to preserve it.
Goodness is not inherent.
We are not bad, but we are more accustomed to thinking that we are more virtuous than evil.

But it's far from just that.
Until before the fifth episode, I was feeling lost. It's like finding a clue or point of understanding when solving a puzzle or reading a text, but feeling like there's still something missing. It's like seeing a small corner of an iceberg but always wondering if there's a much larger unseen part beneath the water's surface.

And this episode is like instantly draining all the water.

Death. Life. Love.
So it turns out, indeed.
From the beginning, this drama has constantly been saying that it wants to talk about these themes, but I could never find the keyhole to peek through, until it directly opened the door.
So that's how it is, indeed as it is.

My intense crying comes from my strong agreement.
A feeling that almost dares to shout "I completely understand."
Or rather, I project myself.
Expecting goodness but only seeing my own ugliness, the image of a good person is just a disguise, absolute rejection of death and extreme longing for life,
Especially, the appearance of another self right in front of me.
Human love is given to oneself, but how can oneself come from dreams and mirrors?
"You actually came." So I am saved.

Platonic. Love of shadows.
So that's how it is, unexpectedly.

I cried so much because it actually made me come towards myself from within it.

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