

由愛構成,以愛為念, 啁啾不休,熱血未絕。

Life and death are also significant.

"The Blue Gate". As a strand of my soul, a petal of my heart, it has been alive for twenty years.

Once the soul and heart are exposed, it hurts a lot, so I'm used to wrapping and enclosing them deep inside, just like all the precious objects I cherish, almost wanting to vacuum seal them.

The release of the restored version feels like opening up my heart and soul, suddenly stripped of its outer layer, it hurts so much, but it's like a time capsule that has been unearthed, everything remains the same, unharmed.

It's like amber, time stands still, space freezes.
I'm inside, my appearance unchanged.

It's like embracing the century when I crossed the galaxy with myself, twenty years later, I hold onto my heart, gasping for breath, gently touching the past skin inch by inch.
Those lines, those scenes, I still remember. They are fragments of myself.

Twenty years apart, still fresh, just like the digitally restored images, clear and vivid.

But my physical body has continued for twenty years.
Amidst the dust and dirt, I understand the enduring brightness emitted by "The Blue Gate".

"The Blue Gate" is a love letter dedicated to life, a hymn to life.
My ultimate concern is fully revealed.
Why do people live, why do people die?
What is eternity?

I think of "On the Canon of Literature and Writing," I think of "The House Without a Match, The City of Memories."
I remember a saying, whether one is dead or alive depends on whether they are remembered.
Han Dong said that Blue Gate never left, I understand.

Twenty years of "The Blue Gate". Like the past, forever.

![Limited edition poster for the 20th anniversary of "The Blue Gate".](ipfs://bafybeicqp5yzvffblsotpvalt5qd3e2tyukohjcjv2m2uczdtgp3sx6zom "Limited edition poster for the 20th anniversary of "The Blue Gate".")

Limited edition poster for the 20th anniversary of "The Blue Gate".

![Commemorative screening poster for "The Blue Gate".](ipfs://bafybeiggtg2oqry4mcajm22xnkwg5uorzp4dn7qx5xu3urasurw75cft7y "Commemorative screening poster for "The Blue Gate".")

Commemorative screening poster for "The Blue Gate".

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