

由愛構成,以愛為念, 啁啾不休,熱血未絕。

My Blue Universe

"Twenty years of 'Lan Yu'.

A friend sent me a message, and just looking at the words 'Restoration of 'Lan Yu'' made me feel a strong heartache.

Sometimes I feel like this is indeed a kind of illness.
The more I care about something, the less I want to talk about it. The stronger the emotional connection, the more I need to bury it deep inside.
I love without knowing how to love, so it hurts, so it's best not to touch it as much as possible.
Sometimes I have similar emotions when facing Mr. Gang.

My spiritual emotions are too intense, and my physical body can't bear it.

'Lan Yu' is precisely something that holds too much meaning for me.
It's not just about the painful love and fate between Lan Yu and Handong, but also about my feelings towards them, towards Lan Yu.
I love 'Lan Yu' deeply, so deeply that it hurts.
Every time I bring it up from the depths of my heart, there is a piercing pain.

That love was born twenty years ago.
In the prime of youth.
At that time, because I didn't know how to love, I memorized the lines one by one, and Chen Handong's catchphrase is still imitated by me to this day.
At that time, I also received a signed photo of Ye-san, who sent it all the way from Japan.
It is a part of my life that is constructed and extremely important.

Twenty years.
Time flies.
Since then, whenever I go to sing, I always have to sing 'How Can You Bear to Make Me Sad' once.
Because it's engraved in my heart. Because there is a part of me forever floating in my blue universe.

Just like the 'treasure box' of 'Lan Yu' that I cherish, it seems untouched over the past twenty years.

I hope you are well.

My 'Lan Yu' merchandise.

My 'Lan Yu' merchandise.

Original 'Lan Yu' novel.

Original 'Lan Yu' novel."

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